Designer, Photographer, Husband, & a Son

Photography is my sanctuary, a respite from life's rush. Each click of the shutter is a whispered incantation, preserving a moment in time, a relic of serenity that I carry with me, to be revisited and relived until the next enchanting journey unfolds.
Join me in cherishing these tranquil moments.

I hail from the vibrant land of Kannur, Kerala, India, where culture and art breathe as one. My journey with photography began in 2010, during my engineering days. It was there, amidst the chaos of academics, that I first held a professional camera. The occasion was the University art festival, where I found myself entrusted with the role of overseeing the media committee.
From that moment, I realized that photography was more than just a hobby—it was an emotional revelation. It’s a language I use to speak about life, emotions, and stories that resonate deep within. Photography became my muse, an art form that whispered tales of the world to my heart.
Hailing from Kannur, the enchanting world of Theyyam became an inseparable part of my journey. Days and weeks were spent tracking the ethereal and mystical art form, allowing me to delve deeper into the heart of tradition and culture. Theyyam has not only influenced my photography but also left an indelible mark on my soul.
My journey took a turn, and I embraced a career in design, which became both my anchor and my canvas. It supported me through the ups and downs of life, allowing me to continue my pursuit of photography. While I am a designer by profession, I remain a photographer by heart, with the camera as my voice to the world.
For me, photography is a passport to a life of exploration and discovery. I am a wanderer at heart, traveling across our beautiful country to witness festivals, immerse myself in diverse cultures, meet incredible people, and hear their stories. In these encounters, I find my inspiration and my purpose.